Witch Philanthropy
That is why they have often been viewed as threats by profit-seeking and power-seeking persons.
Real witches do not perform any sort of magic. They know that all magic is either a myth or a trick.
Even so, the activities of real witches may figuratively be viewed as magical by the beneficiaries of their philanthropy and as evil by competitors and enemies.
And the absence of quality philanthropy of sufficient quantity is disastrous for humanity, and for the world more generally.As there is much for any philanthropist to learn from past disasters, and present ones, what have you been learning?
How do you usually identify and assess unintended consequences, and intended ones?
How have you identified, and described, your own intentions?
How philanthropic are your present intentions, and how do you know?And how do you know when your knowledge is adequately suitable for the task at hand?
This grimoire provides introductory knowledge. Its readers are required to provide the necessary intentions themselves.
Helping people to heal themselves is quite easy for anyone to achieve, with suitable knowledge and intentions.
Helping to heal the world is quite easy for anyone to achieve, too, with suitable knowledge and intentions.But time is running out.
What do you know about economics?
What do you know about the overt and covert violence, and other acts of negligence associated with many ideological stances?
What have you done in the name of power and/or profit, and why?What have you done in the name of humanity and/or conservation and/or peace and/or justice?
- The Wonderful Witches of Australia
- Witchery and Trickery
- Never Forget Hecate
- Learning the Truth about Witches
- The Ghost of Queen Adelaide
What do you know about maritime philanthropy, desert philanthropy, forest philanthropy, delta philanthropy, mangrove philanthropy, mountain philanthropy, tributary philanthropy, soil philanthropy, and ground water philanthropy?
Perhaps you are more interested in comparing one image with another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another rather than answer the questions here.
If you usually associate witches with witchcraft rather than watercraft, why do you do so?
What do you know about sister ships and apprenticeships and internships?
What do you know about ship breaking?
What do you know about electronic waste?
What do you know about plastic pollution?
What do you know about textile recycling?
What do you know about resource recovery in various contexts?
What do you know about the adverse effects of carbon credits?What do you know about the societal and environmental benefits of carbon taxes?
What do you know about maritime history?
What do you know about human migration and colonisation?
Knowledge is necessary in order to form accurate opinions.
You may have theoretical knowledge of many topics but very little practical knowledge of anything at all.
Or you may have practical knowledge of many things but fail to understand the causes of one or more associated problems.
Practice does not improve the level of a skill without the presence of sufficient ability and sufficient knowledge of how potential improvements can be made.
How can the world be improved without proper philanthropy, particularly in relation to journalism and politics?
Much philanthropic effort has been made by wonderful witches, over the past few months, to bring witch philanthropy to the notice of real philanthropists everywhere.
How do you know whether a claimed philanthropist is genuine or not?
How do you know whether a claimed witch is genuine or not?
How do you usually assess authenticity?
How do you usually ascertain possibilities?
How do you attempt to improve peace and justice in the world?
What do you believe the future of freight transport will be, and why?What do you believe the future of passenger transport will be, and why?
- Understanding the Impossible
- A Political Incantation for Peace and Justice
- The Enlightened Re-enchantment of the World - Part Three
What do you believe the future of naval ships will be?
You may be wondering how questions about watercraft have any relevance to the subject of philanthropy, particularly witch philanthropy.
Perhaps you think philanthropy is only practiced by people with the ability to acquire and maintain adequately crewed superyachts.Yet wonderful witches regard any desire for luxury as crude and completely incompatible with real philanthropy.
Most people in the world will never have the chance to experience luxury, except as low-paid service staff.
What do you know about economic inequality and the distribution of wealth?What do you know about flags of convenience of one sort or another?
What do you know about tax evasion and tax avoidance?
People do low-paid work mostly because they have no wealth and/or no power.
People do unpaid work either because they have been forced to do so or they feel obliged to do so or because they are rewarded intrinsically.
Perhaps you have a philanthropic desire to improve situations for little or no personal recompense.You may even regard philanthropy as glamorous or otherwise alluring.
But what is the truth?
How do you think about, and possibly practice, philanthropy in relation to ethics?
Perhaps you have been learning about Thomas and Annie Brassey and their experiences onboard Sunbeam.
Perhaps you maintain a journal and/or log and/or blog and/or vlog and/or pictorial record of your daily experiences, your analyses of problems, and your reflections on memories, including achievements in life.
Perhaps you prefer exploring the history of Royal Mail Ships or the literary history of shapeshifting.Perhaps you unwisely practice body modification.
Perhaps you enjoy cruises of various sorts.
Perhaps you have been comparing historical vessels of one sort or another.
Perhaps you imaging taking a journey on one vessel or another or another or another.Perhaps you even imagine sailing to a new way of life.
What do you know about the people who risk their lives to win, or at least complete, competitive sea races?
What do you know about the people who risk other people's lives in the name of profit?
How do you assess the past in relation to money?
How do you identify and assess elegance?
Perhaps you dress elegantly, and possibly even expensively, to attend exclusive and relatively luxurious fundraising events for charities.
- Objectively Powerful Ways to Support Good in the World
- Protecting Health Properly and Helping Healing Adequately
- A Clique of Rich Friends
Although philanthropic witches do not seek luxury, they understand the importance of comfort and security, in all lives.
Philanthropy is meant to be an expression of moral leadership. It is not meant to be a promotional activity, and certainly not a self-promotional one.
People who live and travel in considerable luxury, and/or have considerable wealth or accesses to considerable wealth, are not philanthropists.When the wealthy claim to support charitable and/or political 'causes' of various sorts, they are merely expressing opinions, like less wealthy persons.
The most important moral duty of the wealthy, and the influential, is to prevent the unjust economic exploitation of everyone else, and the environment.
If you are seeking to know more about witch philanthropy, what are you seeking to know, and why?
How have you been interacting with this grimoire?
How have you been assessing your own leadership?How do you tell the difference between exhibiting charity and exhibiting clarity?
Many 'charitable' organisations are guilty of obfuscation. They do not show the public clearly how and where the money acquired is used. Nor do they show the public clearly how the organisation acquires money, and invests money.
How and where do you use money, and why?
How and where do you acquire money, and why?How and where do you invest money, and why?
How do you choose which organisations and 'causes' to support?
How do you imagine the sea, and where and when, and why?
How does your imagination influence your philanthropy, and why?How do the imaginations of other people influence your actions, and why?
How do you assess propaganda?
How do you attempt to find the truth?
How do you tell the difference between persuasion, evasion and evidence?
All good philanthropic practices involve careful, ethical, evidence-based decision-making, as do all good business practices, and all good political practices, and all good interpersonal practices more generally.
Carefulness requires contextual understandings.- Exposing Charlatans Appropriately - Part One
- Sacred Mysteries
- Witchcraft is Not a Crime
- Addressing the Grotesque
- The Enlightened Re-enchantment of the World - Part Five
It is intended to assist qualified instructors as a concise, factual guide to the intellectual processes, political activities and daily practices of wonderful witches.
All the activities and practices of wonderful witches are always appropriately philanthropic, directly and indirectly.
Perhaps you are seeking to train to become a suitably qualified instructor.What have been your prior experiences as a provider of training, of any sort?
What have been your prior experiences as a captain of any sort?
How has the prior training you have received been funded, and by whom?
How do you assess skills and careers?How do you assess cultural experiences?
How do you assess debts?
It it not possible to be a consistently ethical philanthropist if in debt.
Wonderful witches do not have debts. Nor do they inflict debt-repayment obligations on anyone unjustly.
Wonderful witches do not give anything away, whether in the form of money or intellectual property or other resources.Wonderful witches primarily practice the philanthropic sharing of knowledge, and usually only to suitably qualified persons.
Wonderful witches are aware that politics itself is not evil. Corruption and cruelty are evil.
The only legitimate purpose of political activity is to prevent people from behaving unjustly.The best way to encourage goodness in the world is by convincing people that encouraging goodness is itself good.
That encouragement is not an expression of political leadership, it is an expression of cultural leadership.
Politics is associated with justice and injustice.
Culture is associated with good and evil.
Trade is associated need and greed.
Charity is associated with need and prestige.
Philanthropy is associated with wisdom.
- Algorithms and Ambiguity
- Authentic Explorations
- Exposing Charlatans Appropriately - Part Two
Superstitions and Fear of Vaccinations
Is it the same part of the world in which you prefer to practice enlightened statecraft?
The suffix -craft either implies the practice of skill in a particular activity or it describes a vessel or vehicle.
How skilled are you in the art and craft of describing objects and theories and events and concepts?
How respectful are you of past and present beliefs regarding water deities, such as Mazu, Iara, Yemanjá, Sedna, Ganga and the Rainbow Serpent?
How clearly do you distinguish between edification and deification, in any cultural and/or political context?What do you know about euhemerism, anthropomorphism, apotheosis and euphemisms?
What do you know about interpretatio graeca and its history and consequences?
Perhaps you believe the improvement of the world is impossible.
Quality philanthropy is practiced through knowledge, not beliefs.
Are you ready for the next part of the journey?
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