
If you usually associate old age with ugliness, do you usually associate youth with beauty?

If you usually associate old age with magnificent maturity, do you usually associate youth with arrogance and ignorance?

If you usually associate persistence with survival, do you usually regard old age as an achievement?

If you usually associate sacred geometry with unreasonable beliefs, what do you usually associate with science? 

Perhaps you are familiar with De quinque corporibus regularibus and/or Divina proportione.

Perhaps you are familiar with De Occulta Philosophia libri III and/or The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer.

Perhaps you are familiar with the Fates.

When will the thread of your life be cut?

Perhaps the questions here are making you feeling afraid.  Yet your feelings are your own.  You are their source.

What is your acquaintance with musica universalis?

What have been your experiences of singing rounds and dancing in circles and sewing in circles?

Perhaps you have a fascination with the questions and/or images here.

Perhaps you are fascinated by nature and hubris.

What is your acquaintance with the Metamorphoses of Ovid?

How do you usually assess transformations?

Fate is concerned with mysteries and histories and how they will influence the future.

Fate is associated with blessings and curses.

Will a political incantation for peace and justice influence fate?

When will Atropos catch you?

Will fate prevent the enlightened re-enchantment of the world?

The Moirai observe you.

Do you observe them?

Do you observe the future? 

There is much to consider.  Yet there is much outside your control, no matter how much you would prefer to believe otherwise.

What gives the sisters of fate their power?

What gives you yours?

What did Ovid know about long Covid?

What do you know about the diversity of minds and brains?


You may picture fate through the mind of Bernardo Strozzi or Alfred Agache or Giorgione or Albrecht Dürer.But what would dead, white European males know about fate?

What would they know about avarice and its consequences? 


Perhaps you imagine the fates through the mind of a future practitioner of futurism who did not have much future.
