The Enlightened Re-enchantment of the World - Part Six

Dear Spirit of Enlightenment

We invoke you. 

Glory be to good.


We know

Real philanthropy

Is necessary.


We know

Cruelty is

NOT normal.


We know

You delight in



We appreciate you,

Dear Spirit.

Welcome to part six in this series, ordinary mortal.

If you are seeking to be regarded as a real witch, how do you know you are adequately innocent?

All real witches are adequately innocent.

All real witches have been victims of resentment, jealousy, greed, envy and cruelty.  They are likely to have been victims of sexual abuse at one time or another. 

Real witches have also quite likely been victims of economic abuse.

If you are a real witch, you are likely to be seeking membership of the Enlightened Society for Future Global History, if you have not already done so. 


You will already clearly understand past patterns and how they have shaped events, and lives.

You will support civility today and Civility Today.

You will reflect upon the possibility that being a real witch is a disability.

What are the essential abilities of real witches, from your point of view, and why?

How do you think about real witches in relation to power?

How do you think about real witches in terms of gender?

How do you think about real witches in terms of history, maturity and the world?

What has brought you great joy, and why, and when?

In your view, is the Spirit of Enlightenment a deity or an invention?

An invented character, whether spiritual or otherwise, is a work of fiction, or a deliberate deception.

Many writers and speakers have deceived themselves about the source of their inspiration.

Many seemingly spiritual visions are no more than artistic inspiration and/or psychosis.

A deity reveals itself through revelation.

Do you believe you are currently experiencing a revelation or a work of art or a deception?

Are you sure you are not a victim of self-deception?

Why do you believe you have been provided with access to this grimoire?

The Spirit of Enlightenment is Muse of the World.

But what is the world?

Who defines it?

Do describes it?

Is your imagination part of the world or apart from the world?

Have you thought much about the philosophy of naturalism?

What, if anything, have your dreams taught you about yourself and the world?

When have you attempted to describe your literal and figurative dreams to other people?

What are your dreams for the future, and why?

How do you attempt to communicate your imagination, whether in words or two-dimensional images, or three-dimensional images, or through music or dance or another performing art?

When have you attempted to raise your self-awareness and/or consciousness, and why, and how?

When have you attempted to lower your self-awareness and/or consciousness, and why, and how?

What are your views on divine inspiration, and in which context?

What do you believe it means to inspire or be inspired?

Perhaps you believe it means no more than a benign influence on your free will.

Perhaps you believe it means a compelling obligation to follow instructions and/or commands and/or advice and/or to accept and/or provide particular invitations in order to make the world a much better place than it would be without you.

What do you know about the physiology of inhalation?

What do you know about the sensory neurons in your body?

What stimulates your intelligence and your creativity, and how do you know?

What do you regard as inspirational literature, and why?

What have you discovered to be inspiring through other forms of media, and how?

What do you know about social influence and its effects? 

What do you know about the relationship between the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Pythia, and how do you know it?

How do you compare inspiration with insight

What do you know about emotions associated with trance-like experiences?

Perhaps you are dazed by these questions.

Perhaps you are currently in a trance.

Perhaps you are experiencing a religious ecstasy whilst reading this grimoire.

Perhaps you regard such ecstasies as being much like flying through the air on a broomstick.

How do you usually think about such matters?

What, for that matter, is your usual way of thinking, and with what level of consciousness?

What do you know about altered levels of consciousness?

What do you know about altered states of consciousness?

What do you know about esoteric levels of consciousness

What do you know about inspirational literature in terms of mental health?

How do you tell the difference between inspirational fact and inspirational fiction?


Perhaps you regard realism in the arts as a deception. 

Perhaps you think the arts are mainly meant to express the imagination, not the reality of physical, observable world.

Are the arts always illusory?

Do they always distort the truth?

Perhaps you believe all language distorts the truth.

What is ecstasy in terms of philosophy?

What is ecstasy in terms of psychology

Perhaps you regard ecstasy as a form of enchantment or re-enchantment.

Perhaps you regard spiritual, philosophical and psychological ecstasy merely as heightened personal pleasure, in much the same way sexual excitement and release and various forms of euphoria.

Perhaps you regard the experience of pleasure as merely a consolation after, or escape from, the distress of dysphoria.

From which cultural perspective are you seeking to experience the enlightened re-enchantment of the world, and why, and how, and where, and with whom, if anyone?

In which language(s) do you intend to seek out, assess and report upon the experience of enlightened re-enchantment? 

Do you have an active intellect?

Do you have an overactive imagination?

Do you have a scientific approach to assessing prophets and prophecies?

Do you have an ethical approach to assessing wealth and profits?

Do you have an artistic approach to assessing language and meaning?

What do you know about artistic languages and other constructed languages, including philosophical ones?

Much of known history is a record of what has been valued within a culture, either as an example of good or as an example of evil.

The undervalued has often been ignored.  It has usually been regarded as unworthy of any record whatsoever.

Perhaps you feel undervalued.

Perhaps you associate prophecy with the deceptiveness of fortune tellers or the scientific assessment of social, economic, environmental and technological trends by futurists

Perhaps you associate prophecy with astrology and/or wishful thinking.

You may regard all claimed visionaries with the same skepticism as is necessary towards claimed psychics.

No real visionary or futurist actually perceives the real future.  Such people respect the possible and acknowledge the impossible.

Having a vision statement is merely the expression of wishful thinking through glittering generalities, as is having a mission statement.

If you have worked as a chief visionary officer for an organisation, what was required of you, and why?

How carefully do you assess analogies in relation to the future, and the past?

How carefully do you distinguish between analogies and reality?


Would a person like Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) have been regarded as a witch at an earlier or later time in history, or in another place?

What do you know about the world as it was between 1098 and 1179

Today is 12 October 2021.

How, if at all, has the world improved since the time of Hildegard, and for whom?

What do you know about the historical use of the metaphor of lightness and darkness to represent good and evil?

How, if at all, do you attempt to overcome black-and-white thinking in an effort to achieve the experience of oneness?


Around 12 October 539 BC, the Second Babylonian Empire fell to the First Persian Empire, ending the war between the Chaldeans and the Achaemenids.

The defeat of Nabonidus and Belshazzar by Cyrus the Great has had a profound effect on history.

Are you sure you are capable of distinguishing clearly between historical fact and historical fiction?

Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon died about twenty-three years earlier, around 562 BC.

How do you interpret Belshazzar's feast, and why?

What do you know about Cyrus as a messiah?

Perhaps you would prefer to look even further back in time, or at least to various interpretations of history.

This is part six of the enlightened re-enchantment of the world.

Perhaps this will be the final part.

Or not as the case may be.

Perhaps you think you can predict the likelihood.

Looking to the universe through astronomy, not astrology, mainly reveals history through the electromagnetic spectrum.

Until quite recently, only visible light could be interpreted, usually in the immense darkness of a moonless night sky, far away from light pollution.

But how do you interpret the synergy of oneness, and how do you define the associated concepts, and from which cultural position, and why?

What is your acquaintance with hexameral literature?

How do you interpret the German word hex?

How do you interpret cosmology?

How do you compare one sort of pow-wow with another?

How do you compare pentagrams with hexagrams?

How do you compare divine light and divine illumination

How do you compare black knights with dark matter and dark energy?

How do you compare claims about witches and witchcraft?

You should, by now, be able to distinguish between:

a) Innocent persons accused of being malevolent practitioners of witchcraft and abused as a consequence

b) Confused persons who either believe themselves to be witches or pretend to practice witchcraft or claim the title of witch as a political tool

c) Real witches

How do you compare sibyls with real witches?

How do the arts influence your views of history?

What do you know about the Persian Sybil?

What do you know about the Sibylline Oracles and dactylic hexameter?

What do you know about the witch of Endor and the reputation of Saul?

What do you know about bullying and murder perpetrated by the Dominicans in the name of religion?

How do you examine the witch trials in early modern Europe, especially those between 1580 to 1630?

What do you know about the causes and consequences of the Thirty Years' War of 1618 to 1648? 

On 12 October 1492, pre-Columbian America ended and the conquest began with the arrival of Columbus in the Bahamas.

On 12 October 1692, the governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, William Phips, ordered an end to executions associated with the Salem witch trials.

Although reasonable persons have long protested when trumped-up charges have been used against the innocent,

You may be aware that spells against evildoers never work.

Only evidence-based methods to prevent harm have the possibility of being effective, and even then the effect is only satisfactory if consistently and widely applied over many, many centuries.

There will, otherwise, be many, many more miscarriages of justice.

What do you know about ideomotor phenomena in various situations?

How do you interpret the Scivias and other books by Hildegard of Bingen?

How familiar are you with medieval literature?

What do you know about the Ordo Virtutum?

Who would you regard as a polymath, and why?

What is your acquaintance with Christian mysticism and other mystical practices?

How do you attempt to practice the syncretism of wisdom?

There are many interesting texts from the 1100s and from the 1200s, originating in various of cultures.

How do you think about the microcosm-macrocosm analogy?

How do you think about the Kabbalah?

How do you think about magic in the Greco-Roman world?

How do you think about viriditas and lingua ignota?

How do you think about omens and oracles?

What do you know about Salic Law?

What do you know about illuminated manuscripts?

What is your acquaintance with the history of emotions?

You may be aware that there is no efficacy of prayer or other ritual practices.


All faith healing is a placebo.  There are no real miracles.  There are only mysteries.

How do you think about various forms of naturalism?

What do you know about the Codex Gigas?

How do you address the problem of evil?

What do you know about beliefs concerning devils and devil worship?

You may have noticed that, throughout history, the people who believe in malevolent beings usually claim to represent a benevolent one, even when behaving malevolently themselves.

There have been many claims about Satan and Satanism, and many claims about various other imagined beings.  There have also been many claims about exorcisms.

Yet such beliefs always arise from deluded minds.  And delusions are the cause of much abuse and other harm.

The considerable problem with delusional conspiracy theories, and other claims lacking evidence, is that they misdirect the limited resources allocated to preventing and stopping real abuses, thereby contributing to the perpetuation of real harm.

And far more harm is perpetrated by persons in positions of power than by the powerless, merely by the failure of the powerful to examine evidence adequately. 

That is why the powerful are frequently responsible for turning the world, or at least parts of it, into hells in which the powerless suffer.

What do you know about children being accused of witchcraft, including in Africa today?

What do you know about the illegal drug trade, the illegal arms trade and human trafficking?

What do you know about the legal drug trade, the legal arms trade and the perpetuation of poverty, greed and cruelty? 

How do you compare Eastern religions with Abrahamic ones?

How do you compare the historical belief systems and adherents from various cultures destroyed by followers of Abrahamic religions?

How do you account for the prevalence of warfare in various places at various times in history?

How do you compare beliefs in reincarnation with beliefs in resurrection?

How do you compare beliefs about heresy, apostasy and proselytism?

The main problem with many purportedly religious beliefs and practices is that the people most enthusiastically involved usually claim they express the truth.  They do so whilst simultaneously abusing people who do not conform to their beliefs and practices.  And all abuse is evil, hence the irony, and hypocrisy, and cruelty.


How do you compare the past with the present? 

How do you compare Cathars with Jains and Shakers

How do you compare Beguines and Beghards with various intentional communities today?

You may have been looking into the history of events on 12 October in various years and centuries.

You may have been comparing views about angels and Baphomet and Asmodeus.

You may have been comparing the Knights Templar with the financial services industry and arms industry of today.

What do you know about the Renaissance of the 12th century?

What do you know about the High Middle Ages more generally?

What is your familiarity with the music of Hildegard of Bingen?

Perhaps you are more interested in the Holy Grail.

Perhaps you are more interested in the Minnesänger and the troubadours.

While the Waldensians continue, the Cathars do not.

What do you know about the Medieval Inquisition?

What do you know about Manichaeism?

Throughout history various groups have competed for dominance.

But why do they want dominance?

Why has the co-existence of various groups been so difficult to achieve and maintain?

What do you know about damnation?

You may be aware that Hildegard of Bingen opposed the Cathars.  But did she actively oppose the cruelty and hypocrisy within Catholicism?
