Perceptions and Interpretations
What, for example, is your perception of political philanthropy?
Do you usually regard wonderful witches as political philanthropists?
What do you regard as political pleasantness?
Perhaps you are unaware that wonderful witches are at the forefront of political pleasantness even though they mostly act behind the scenes and away from crowds.
What do you contribute to public interest journalism?
Everyone has a duty to contribute to that type of journalism, directly and/or indirectly. Wonderful witches to so on a daily basis.
What have you contributed to civility today and Civility Today?
Wonderful witches have long been at the forefront of civility everywhere, every day, even if you are mostly unaware of that fact. They provide suitable leadership to support intelligently kind cultures wherever and whenever necessary.How do you usually prefer to display your enlightened patronage?
What is your usual approach to locating the invisible doorway between your ego and your soul?
Where have you attempted to locate the world's most respectable endowment fund?
Wonderful witches are always associated with respectability. That is why disrespectful and disreputable persons regard them as a threat.
What is your acquaintance with the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?Although wonderful witches prefer to be associated with elegant reforms, they are aware that elegant revolutions are sometimes necessary, in keeping with scientific evidence, beautiful crafts and artistic ironies.
Who is giving public money to News Crap, and why are they doing so?
Such evil must be thwarted. The wonderful witches therefore require your assistance.How would you describe your perceptions and interpretations of records?
How would you describe your perceptions and interpretations of mysteries?
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