Sublime Splendour and Hidden Danger

Fires in the forest.

Reservoirs run dry.

Deluge in the city.

Pandemic from the sky.

Confused and frightened people

Killed a good guitarist.

Psychopaths run rampant.

What a pity.

The apparently dead are still alive.

The seemingly alive are dying.

It has been written so it must be true.

The world belongs to the chosen few.

But who does the choosing?

Who understands the science of hell?

Sit in the forest with Splendor solis.

Observe the greening and growing.

Respect nature.

Remember the energy of past lives

Fuels danger.

Fossils. Fossils. Causing trouble.

Fires burn and make us hostile.

Warn of anaerobic warming.

Warn of lobbyists' deceptions.

Warn of hubris and corruption.

Warn of terror and stupidity.

Chemical weapons do exist

In poisonous pills and powders

And in the minds of gullible politicians.

Millions have died.

Millions still suffer.

Millions of consumers remain

So entertain yourself 

Through a screen

Find a crowd.  Follow.  Be deceived.

Be a deceiver.  Charm the beholders.

Gain popularity through bribery.

Be normal.

Go to the lake of fire.

Shower in invisible water.

Eat the poor, as usual.

Your flowers for the dead kill rivers.

Burn your blue flames.

Buy a new kitchen.

Bury the old.

Hold no funeral.

Forget the past.

Make everything new.

Champion the powerful.

Live in the moment.

Practice making clouds.

Build mindless crowds.

Shape imaginings.

Ancient nature,

Decoded and putrified.

Wombs for the egos of men.

Bodies enslaved to fantasy.

What can be purified?

Who has been petrified?

An enlightened education is necessary.

What is it?

Who believes mythologies are true?

Who coerces the frightened to murder?

Answer truthfully.  Research carefully.

Amduat and almagest.

Magnum opus.

Marble guest.


Symbols of alchemy.

Eat of the tree and boil in hell.

Diplomacy and slavery.

Where has all the honey gone?

Dam the Euphrates.

Kill the land of filth and money.

Read the Coffin Texts.

Return to splendour.

Superyachts and hellfire missiles.

Evil systems breed evil people.

Multimillionaire doctors do not care.

Pay a wealthy lawyer.

Become a billionaire.

Let the people suffer.

Buy expensive suppers.

Pretend your tastes are simple.

Eat the beast.

Stomach trouble.

Feel it rumble.

Watch the buildings tumble.

Sing a love song and another lullaby.

Why cry?

Landslides in the mountain pass.

Will this moment be your last?

The farce of construction.

The truth of destruction.

Alcoholic herbal tonic.

I love Lucifer.

Big tobacco.

Dumb it down.

Soap Singspiel.

Yama house of horrors.

Exhume Zaqqum.

Eat deep fried Ifrit.

Giggle at Gilgamesh.

Dream of Durga.

Heal with hydrolysis.

Seal it with a silver kiss.

Drink the spirit of alchemy.

Aqua vitae.

Think of the future.

Yab-Yum.  Yin and Yang.

Rejuvenation.  Imagination.

Book of the Dead.

Holiday resort.  Inferno.

Pouting lips.  Apocalypse.

Soul and solis.

Goal of solace.

Call the police.

Golden ouroboros.

Sacred rhinoceros.

Horn of plenty.

The shape of things to come.

Prejudice is dangerous.

Body parts. Works of art.

Sell a child.  Cellar door.

Aurora consurgens.

Aurora australis. 

Aurora borealis.

Fátima.  Fate.  Fatal.

Sonnets from the Portuguese.

Mysteries killed by a Spanish disease. 

Opening acts.  Learn the facts.

Consecration.  Conflagration.

Hellfire preachers.  Hellfire clubs.

Malvolio.  Romeo.  Who do you know?

Kali came.  Who will you blame?

Heaven and Earth should meet

And come home.

Atalanta Fugiens.

Terra foliata.

Understand the Sphinx.

Quaternary quintessence.

Quantum munificence. 

From clarity to irony.

From irony to evil.

Witch doctors are not witches.

Muti is murder.

Mutilation.  Madness.

Irrationality.  Crime gangs.

Cults of abuse. 

Panacea.  Pangaea.

King of the sun.

Queen of the moon.

Alchemy of happiness or madness.

White-skinned ghosts.

Black-skinned servants.

Apples of the Hesperides.

Empty boasts.

Overcrowded boats.


End times and headlines.

Titans and unknown tongues.

Sibylline oracles.

Canticle of canticles.

Maat and doormat.

Prehistoric karma.

Ten Mahavidyas.

Kimiya and cosmos.

Earth, water, air and fire.

Voting and votive offerings.

Fire rituals.

Policies unravelling.

Place the children on the pyres.

Screams are not celestial choirs.

Incoherent philosophers.

Divine retribution or final solution?

Homa and Homer.

Show your money.

Shakyamuni.  Acala.

Seven trumpets.

Global catastrophic risk.

Our hats. Arhats.

Ragnarök.  Ragas.

The defeat of Cronus.

Where does Lilith live?

Where is Roman charity?

Who wears the fisherman's tiara?

Poseidon's child.

Cyclopean masonry.

Short-term incentives.

Executive compensation.

Tribal chiefs.


Software updates.

Ajanta Caves.

Dome of the Rock. 

Underground economies.

Ten virgins.

Recharge your device.

Always seek sensible advice.

Find refuge in a vihara.

Keep out of the rain and fire.

Float your way to viability

Through sensible sufficiency.

Do you practice intelligent frugality?

Have you prepare for the perpetual wait

For justice?

Practice on Atlantis.

Elixir of life.

Chemical theatre.

Why are you here?

Find the silvery water.

Find the starry Earth.

Be an enlightened leader.

What is the perfect art?

What is the perfect life?

What is the perfect death?

What is the perfect birth?

What is the perfect rebirth?

What are your suspicions about

The realities of air?

Music of life.

Music of death.

Spirit and soul.

Music of the spheres.

Unity of opposites.

Dreams of the Pharaoh.

Sacred geometry.

Chimera in athanor.


Lapis lazuli.

The Queen's lyre.

Sacred city.




Ban the bomb.

Tie a true love knot

In frozen fractals.


Treasure house of wisdom.

Alkahest. Azoth. Anima mundi.

Prima materia.  Hermes.  Thoth.

Esoteric.  Colophon.

Chaos and anarchy.

Order and peace.

Harshness and cruelty.

Prepare your concoctions.

Prepare the symbolic.

Symbiosis. Parasite.  Allelopathy. 

Prepare your experiments.

Ordinal of alchemy.

Mappae clavicula.



Clear translations.

Maleficium.  Beneficium.



De materia medica.


Golden tripod.

Arche.  Ark.


Chemical ecology.


Voynich. Enigma.

Etruscan medicine.

Dream visions.

Wise decisions.



Love potions.

Tabloid poisons.

Gossip.  Suspicions.


The Lady of Shallot.


Golden Fleece.

World peace.

Danse Macabre.


Galaxies are tiny.

Focus on riddles.

Antimony regulus.


Spirit of hartshorn.

Digitalis purpurea.

Puerperal fever.

Amygdalin.  Magdalene.

Amygdala.  Mandala.

Urushiol.  Vitriol.

Uniform.  Unicorn.

Chant.  Enchantress.



Solar wind.


Nutrix ejus terra est.


Volatile oils.

Birds fly over rainbows.

Emerald tablet.  Ruby shoes.

Diamond Sutra.

Pearls of wisdom.

Prophets of doom.

Pyramid with hidden tomb.

Where is the future?

Twelve keys.

Secrets of the Universe.

Antiquarians and astrologers.

Dark matter and dark energy.

Magical delights for unhappy minds.


The king drinks polluted water.

The emperor has no clothes.

Protagonist.  Antagonist.  Sidekick.

The philosophical week.

Memento mori.  Vanitas.

Oedipus.  Oracle.  Miracle.

Magellanic spiral galaxies.

Emblem books.  Enkidu.

Hermeticism.  Kudu.  Kudos.

Voodoo.  Typhoon.  Monsoon.

Artists of empathy.

Liminality.  Fragility.  Frugality.

Tao.  Twaklin.  Wu wei.

The green lion consumes the sun.

Ometeotl.  Tezcatlipocas.

Vision serpent.  Kundalini.  Ladon.

Axis mundi.  Adam and Eve.

Ningishzida.  Solomon and Sheba.

Entheogens.  Caduceus.

Rod of Asclepius.

Intoxicated prophets.

Pharmaceutical profits.

Pseudoscience.  Misguided defiance.

Quetzalcoatl.  Rainbow serpent. Shesha.

Fundamental states of matter.

Fundamentalist mistakes.  Miasma.

Yggdrasil.  Tree of life.

Speed of light.  Luminiferous aether.

Morphology.  Cryptology.  Chiron.

Twinkling plasma.  Luminous spheroid.

The abyss.  The chaos.  The void.

Holiness and black holes.

Gravitational collapse.

Interstellar clouds through time lapse.

Spacetime.  Relativity.  

Night and day.

Sagittarius A* 

Divine proportions.

A theory of everything.

Epigrams and discourse.

Concealed shoes. 

Care selve.

Climate change.

Fleeing and fugues.

Mistaken identity.


Fighting dragons.

Amulets.  Talismans.

Fibonacci.  Liber Abaci.

Camera lucida.  Camera obscura.

Witches in fairy tales.

Witches in schools.

Witches in fantasies.

Witches with rules. 

Socially acceptable alchemists.

Sorginak.  Almanac. 

Newes from Scotland.

Osculum infame.

Conspiracy.  Daemonologie.

Bald Agnes at Holyrood.

Rude producers in Hollywood.

Labyrinths and knot gardens.

The ephemeral sporting elite.

Homeless ex-athletes.

Bit part celebrities.

Dying democracies.

Warlocks.  Love locks.

Keys of peace.

Good witches.  Bad witches.

Sandwiches.  Sand witches.

Worst witch.  Cursed witch.

Words of wisdom.  Santa Sophia.


Eager to please.  Deadly disease.

The future is on fire.
