A Clique of Rich Friends

Who will supply me

With a clique of rich friends?

My poverty offends me.

Who will make amends?

The rich have my wealth now.

They've killed the life around me.

Who will supply me

With a clique of rich friends?

Who will supply me

With governments that care?

I don't ask for much here.

All I want is a fair share.

If you're rich make amends now.

Stop funding all the lies now.

Who will supply me

With governments that care?

Who will supply me

With clean air so I can breathe?

There's much too much carbon,

And far too much disease.

Rich cliques are the problem.

They've killed the life around me.

Who will supply me

With clean air so I can breathe?


Who will supply me

With quality of life?

Knowledge without power

Fails to end the strife.

If you're rich make amends now.

I've shared with you my knowledge.

Who will supply me

With quality of life?

If you are part of a clique of rich friends, why are you doing so little good in the world?

Perhaps you enjoy being a perpetrator of cronyism.

Perhaps you prefer to regard vulnerable individuals as evil crones. 

Whether you are rich or not, or a member of a clique or not, how do you define genuine friendliness in relation to privacy, security and mutual compatibility?

How have you been expressing genuine friendliness this year and last year, and towards whom?

How have you been experiencing genuine friendliness this year and last year, and with whom? 

Cronyism is one of the most horrible biases humans possess, along with nepotism.

There is much direct cronyism, which is often mistaken for friendship.

There is much indirect cronyism, through which the lives of some people are valued more highly than other lives.

And nepotism always values some lives more highly than others.

Perhaps you prefer living in a large group, whether it is a family group, friendship group or highly extroverted local community.

Perhaps you prefer living alone, in peace and solitude, in a remote location.

Perhaps you prefer living alone in a small apartment in the centre of a big city.

Perhaps you require a much larger space than the one you currently occupy, whether physically or mentally.

Perhaps you combine, or you are attempting to combine, your home and workplace in various ways.

Perhaps you regard your mind as a workplace rather than as a home.

It is usually easier for persons of a similar level of education, intellect and ethics to become and remain good friends.

But what have been the relationships between money and friendship in your experience?

Most friendships and communities are sustained through a shared view of reality.  Unfortunately, that does not usually indicate that the view of reality is accurate or that the friendships and communities are authentic.

Perhaps you think political pleasantness is meant to be an exclusive experience rather than an inclusive one.

Perhaps you think enlightened patronage is the same as enlightened friendship.

Perhaps you think political philanthropy is meant to be directed towards the rich rather than everyone.

Perhaps you think authentic living requires a considerable amount of money, regardless of how much money you actually possess at present. 

How sensitively have you been investing in real friendships over your lifetime, and how do you know?

You may be hoping a group activity with people who share at least one of your interests may lead to new friendships.

You may even hope a group activity with people who share at least one of your problems may lead to new friendships.

Yet real friendships are based on shared values, not the ephemeral sharing of interests or problems.

What do you know about the positive and negative aspects of sharing, including the intentional aspects?

In many aspects of life, people are confused about the value of money and the value of time. 

Why, for example, do so many people stay in jobs for which they are unsuited?

And why do so many people continue to maintain relationships with people who do not share their values?

What are your values?

What do you believe to be good?

How do you express your values in relation to that belief? 

How realistically are you investing in quaternary possibilities?

How do you attempt to improve your friends and family members?

How do you attempt to distinguish between matter and imaginings?

How do you establish the value of mysteries and histories?

Real friends protect each other from harm.  They may, however, be corrupt.  If so, they prevent justice.

Would you prefer to be a real friend or a patron of real justice?

Would you prefer to be regarded as a good investor or a greedy one?

Would you prefer a reputation as a real philanthropist or a fake one?

All over the world, real philanthropy is necessary.

What have you discovered about quality investments as enchantments?

Perhaps you are yet to be aware that well-informed investing includes investing in improved constitutions.  The enlightened re-enchantment of the world depends upon it.

Who will supply me

With a clique of rich friends?

They must be good patrons

With big budget spends.

Giving back to the future

All that was stolen.

Who will supply me

With a clique of rich friends?

Who will supply me

With a world free of crime?

With freedom and justice

The world would be sublime.

Hold on to the dream now

Of peace being real now.

Who will supply me

With a world free of crime?

Who will supply me

With good mental health?

I have no delusions

Or access to wealth.

I'm sick of bad politics.

I'm sick of rich cliques.

Who will supply me

With good mental health?

Who will supply you

With news that is true?

Here in this grimoire,

You may find the clue.

Support the public interest

Against the greedy few.

Who will supply you

With news that is true?
