Floating Like a Real Witch

Persons with psychotic tendencies, as well as those at least a little psychopathic, particularly those associated with religious and/or political organisations, have long treated reasonable women as though they are real witches.

Reasonable men, of course, have long been treated as criminals.  That has especially been the case when reasonable men have said or written something reasonable about their observations of the world and those reasonable observations happen to be contrary to the distorted beliefs of their relatively crazy accusers.

Being reasonable has often been treated as wrong.  

Being reasonable is a threat to the unreasonable.

Ambitiously obsessed fools continue to destroy innocent lives.  They unjustly blame the reasonable for unfortunate and frightening occurrences.  They blame the good for not being good enough while ignoring the dangerous.  And while they aggressively prosecute and persecute reasonable men, they prefer to be physically and verbally aggressive towards reasonable women.

Aggressive women are not real witches.  Indeed aggressive women are likely to be persons with psychotic tendencies or at least a little psychopathy in their psyche.  They tend to be verbally aggressive and psychologically manipulative.

Real witches are reasonable, well-informed and kind.  They know the scientific reasons why some people, objects and ideas float and why others sink.  They have an acceptably evidence-based understanding of the science of air and water and soil and life.  They may even be well informed about the social sciences, and history and philosophy, and art and technology.  They use such information for good in the world yet they have many opponents.

Perhaps you have many opponents to your reasonableness, at least if you truly are a reasonable person.

Real witches are highly skeptical of all claims not in accordance with sufficient evidence.  They seek clear, well-documented evidence of the facts.  That is why the persons opposing them fear them.

Yet evidence of private experiences tends to be anecdotal.  There is only oral hearsay, which may even be regarded as heresy by psychopathic bullies associated with religious and/or political organisations.

It is especially dangerous to believe in irrational prophecies and other superstitious nonsense yet adults have long had a tendency to use such psychological manipulation on the minds of children.  They have instilled fear rather than civility by doing so.

Perhaps you believe in household deities and try to appease them.

Perhaps you believe in the claimed powers of clairvoyants and familiars.

Perhaps you have a habit of feeding trolls.

Many people enjoy creating conflict.  They do so because they are bored and/or obsessed with a silly opinion.  They lack civility.  They fail to practice well-informed kindness with the consistency of a truly good persons.

Perhaps you would rather inflict irrational controversies on people rather than engage in a civilised discussion.

What do you prefer to do on Frigg days, and why?

Perhaps you enjoy concealing shoes, horses skulls, dried cats and witch bottles.

Perhaps you are obsessed with good luck charms and apotropaic magic.

Perhaps you are an expert on witch marks of one sort or another

What do you know about overlapping circle grids?

What is your acquaintance with sprites and spheres?

What, if anything, do you know about Taweret and/or Twaklin?

What do you know about cunning folk and crocodiles?

What do you know about animal names and witch doctors?

What is your acquaintance with Sobek?

You may be aware that a group of crocodiles in water is scientifically known as a float and a group of crocodiles on land is known as a bask.

Perhaps you mainly associate floats with boats and/or with fishing and/or with witches and/or with ice cream and/or with milk and/or with money.

Floating is associated with buoyancy and buoys but not necessarily cleromancy, geomancy, bibliomancy, necromancy or oneiromancy, though some people may believe otherwise.

Perhaps you mainly associate floating with stock markets, and/or a Galileo thermometer, and/or the Great Kite of Leonardo da Vinci, and/or with a parade, though some people believe in  ornithomancy and/or hydromancy and/or aeromancy and/or pyromancy.

Some people believe in lecanomancy and/or scyphomancy and/or sycophancy though you may be more interested in the continuing use of witch balls and divination and psychic readings and the history of witch-hunting and witch pricking practices and the provenance of the da Vinci Ostrich Egg Globe and the study of biomimicry.

When people are faced with new information and experiences at odds with their existing understandings, they are usually confused and possibly quite fearful.

Every trial and tribulation in life is a trial by ordeal, especially psychologically.

Are you afraid of a New World and/or a Dragon's Tail?

Are you afraid of black magic and/or extrasensory perception?

Perhaps you associate twins with telepathy and/or tarot, or astrology, or the rescue of animals in distress.

Perhaps you associate the end of this month with Saint Walpurgis Night.

You may think that floating like a real witch is associated mainly with the history of European witchcraft rather than medieval European magic or Renaissance magic or the superstitious practices approved by self-interested religious authorities.  

Your thoughts on the matter probably depend upon whether you are thinking in terms of air or water or luminiferous aether.

Perhaps you know something about Scandinavian Easter witches and Catalan mythology about witches and various beliefs about relics in various cultures.

Perhaps you are familiar with the Inquisition.

Perhaps you know something about poppets and kitchen witches.

Perhaps you have a bottle of flying ointment in your herb cupboard.

Perhaps you know something about werewolves and demonic possession and the Wicked Witch of the West.

You are likely to be aware, by now, that you are reading a grimoire, not a memoir.

How have you been picturing witches?

Do any of them fly around on a besom broom?

Do any of them consume entheogens?

Are any of them herbalists?

Do any of them know how to create a magic circle?

What do they wear?

What do they eat?

What do they know about classical elements?

How do you tell which witch is which?

How do you tell the difference between a potion and a poison?

How do you tell the difference between an aphrodisiac and a date rape drug?

What do you know about drink spiking?

What do you know about the Picatrix?

Perhaps you are seeking to learn more about the wonderful witches of Australia and other countries.

How do you distinguish between witchery and trickery?

You may be interested in learning more about concoctions and decoctions.

You may be interested in learning more about the reputation of male apothecaries when compared to female herbalists.

Are you seeking to know the recipe for the elixir of life or an elixir of love?

Perhaps you are seeking the goose or the black hen with golden eggs.

Are you sure you will never forget Hecate?

You may be interested in learning more about ceremonial magic and the proper use of wands and staffs of office.

You may be interested in learning more about a painting, and another, and another.

You may be aware that some Christians believe one thing and other Christians believe another.

Some Christians say blessed are the poor while other Christians say becoming rich is a blessing.

How and where have you been learning the truth about witches, and why?

Where do you believe you are imaginatively situated now, and how do you know?

You may have met the ghost of Queen Adelaide here, or near here.

What do you know about curses?

How do you interpret books of magic?

What do you know about digital portals, virtual reality, levitation, bilocation and teleportation?

How do you interpret illusions and delusions?

What have been your apparitional experiences?

What is your acquaintance with Vitruvian Man?

What do you know about the Civility Journalism Circle?

How do you tell the difference between a good journalist and a bad one?

How do you tell the difference between a good witch and a bad one?

What do you know about the occult?

You may be familiar with the Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa even if you have no familiars.

You may be familiar with the classification of demons in Christianity.

Perhaps your view of floating like a real witch is in keeping with Romanticism or even Medievalism.

How do you compare traditional societies and modern societies?

Perhaps you think all societies dehumanise people through the expression of biases and bullying.

Are you seeking to free yourself from the iron cage so that you may float like a real witch, free from unjust restrictions on the expression of your imagination?
