The Divine and the Demonic

How do you distinguish between the divine and the demonic, whether entirely through definitions or as a reflection of your personal beliefs?

How do you distinguish between characters and caricatures in various contexts?

How do you distinguish between accurate portrayals and imaginative re-interpretations?

What do you know about walls of fame, halls of fame and walks of fame, and their purpose?

How do you distinguish between fame and honour?

What do you know about the political power of pity and ridicule?

How do you prefer to respond to expressions of hypocrisy and extravagance? 

When, if ever, have you assessed claims of a divine presence and/or a demonic presence?

Proclamations about morality and immorality do nothing to improve the world, in much the same way as legislation, law enforcement and judicial decisions.

Improving the world requires moral leadership, not the promotion of beliefs in the supernatural or the celebrity endorsement of consumerism.

Much about the world is a farce, except for the tragedies.

What is divine about tragedy, or farce for that matter?

Perhaps you enjoy discussions about the immanence of a divine presence, regardless of the facts of human experience and claims about transcendence.

Perhaps you enjoy exploring the history of elixirs, concoctions, potions, herbal teas and possibly even cocktails.

What is more demonic than greed and cruelty, particularly when performed in the name of the supernatural?

How do you usually interpret claims of spirit possession?

What is your attitude towards purported exorcisms?

What, if any, is your acquaintance with cacodemons, particularly political ones?

How do you interpret the daimonic and the dark triad?

When, if ever, do you regard the libido as a form of spirit possession?

Perhaps you regard the over-consumption of cocktails to be a form of spirit possession.

How do you distinguish between a placebo, a poison and proper snake oil?

How do you reflect upon morality through images of one sort or another or another or another or another or another?

Perhaps you enjoy attending cocktail parties and/or bean-feasts.

Perhaps you regard rock music and/or pop videos or business magnates or fossil fuel executives as demonic and/or daimonic.

How do you assess interpretations of human vices and supernatural interventions?

How do you identify various forms of unreasonableness?

Perhaps you regard this grimoire as rather crazy.

What is your acquaintance with monomania and the Insane Woman of 1822?

Who will be the insane women of 2022?

Who will the wonderful witches be next year and what will they be wearing?

Perhaps you do not usually expect a witch to wear a little black dress and a cocktail hat.

Quite a few wonderful witches have begun mingling at COP26, in support of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee

To transform the world for the better does not require supernatural intervention of any variety.  It requires respect for nature.

There is already much narcissism at COP26, particularly from politicians, journalists and business magnates, regardless of their tastes in music.

Who are the people behaving like actors in character? 

Who are the people behaving like caricatures?

Who is addressing the grotesque appropriately, and who is not?

Who is conducting authentic explorations, and who is not?

How authentic is your approach to performing rituals and assessing habits, with or without contributions from psychoactive drugs?

How do you assess the sharing of habits and rituals in terms of socialisation?

How do you interpret the apparent internalisation of beliefs and attitudes in relation to habits, rituals and normalised social interactions?

What do you know about divine language and the sharing of ideas about the divine?

When claims about the divine, the sacred, the serious, the solemn, the sensible, the acceptable, the useful and the caring, have become a front for various abuses of power and trust, how do you know, and what do you do?

What do you know about mental health and mental disorders in relation to problem gambling, alcoholism, sexual predation, nicotine dependence, and self-obsession?

What do you regard as normality, and why?

Perhaps you regard as demonic anything you do not regard as normal, or beautiful, or understandable.

What have you been learning about wonderful witches, and how?

What is your acquaintance with probability theory?

How do you usually assess probability?

What do you know about substance abuse, and how do you know it?

What do you know about the use of entheogens for the purpose of achieving transcendence?

Different cultures have used different substances for ritualistic and entheogenic purposes.

Different cultures have used different objects for ritualistic and transcendental purposes, too.

What do you know about relics and reliquaries and shrines and icons and veneration and mysticism and prayer and meditation and medication and adverse effects and claims about the paranormal, and how have you acquired that knowledge?

How do you define spirituality?

What, if anything, is mystical to you, and how, and why?

How do you define the meaning of worship?

What do you know about revelations, and how have you acquired that knowledge?

Perhaps you are seeking access to highly pertinent revelations through this grimoire.

How do you define the meaning of faith, and why do you do so?

What do you regard as sacrilege, and why?

What do you regard as idolatry, and why?

How do you interpret the meaning and purpose of adoration?

What do you know about monuments, memorials, medieval homage, artistic homage, souvenirs and heirlooms?

What have been your experiences of preparing for ceremonies and other performances, with or without training and rehearsals?

What have been your experiences in relation to oaths and legal affirmations?

How do you interpret religious images and religious and spiritual traditions?

How do you interpret political images and political practices?

How do you compare a grimoire with a memoir?

You may have found that when people have much in common with you, or not enough in common with you, you quickly become bored in their company. 

If the differences between you are other people are quite strange to you, and especially if you regard at least some of their activities as deviant, you are likely to be confused and even angered by their attitudes and behaviours.

How do you usually assess the reasoning associated with various forms of conformity and rebellion?

How do you interpret facial expressions and body language?

How do you interpret The Woman with Gambling Mania and Portrait of a Kleptomaniac, and why?

How do you interpret the works of Goya of one sort or another?

How do you interpret rites and rights of any sort, and why?

What do you know about syncretism

What do you know about eclecticism?

What do you know about religious assimilation and other forms of cultural assimilation?

How do you assess the reasoning and emotions associated with beliefs regarding sacred traditions?

How do you assess the reasoning and emotions associated with beliefs regarding a sacred language?

How do you prefer to assess mores and morality, and why?

How do you assess the practice of devotion, whether associated with the sacred or the secular, or both?

What do you know about the normalisation of deviance through groupthink and overly casual attitudes?

How do you define anti-social behaviour?

What do you know about affirmative prayer and other affirmations?

When, if ever, have you practiced self-affirmations, and for what reasons?

How do you currently prefer to interpret the primordial EverTime, and why?

How do you interpret your enculturation?

What do you regard as good, and why?

What do you regard as evil, and why?

What have you discovered about conflict as a process?

What have you discovered about conflict management as a process?

What have you discovered about conflict resolution as a process?

What do you know about piety?

What do you know about prophets?

What is your acquaintance with Nietzschean affirmation?

Perhaps you have never spent much time examining the explorations of philosophers.

How do you interpret the meaning of communitas in 21st century contexts?

How do you interpret the meaning of culture and kindness at present, particularly politically?

What is your acquaintance with the metaphysics of good and evil, and the problem of evil?

Perhaps you prefer to think of good and evil entirely from the perspective of ethics, and your own values.

What, if anything, is your acquaintance with Beyond Good and Evil, and how did you acquire it?

If you have a fascination towards anything or anyone, how did you acquire it?

Perhaps you have a fascination towards  international gatherings.

Perhaps you have a fascination towards festive crowds

Perhaps you have a fascination towards  radical protests.

Perhaps you have a fascination towards floating like a real witch.

Perhaps you have a fascination towards ancient Egyptian dancing.

Perhaps you have a fascination towards psychedelic experiences, at least if they are not bad.

Perhaps you have a fascination towards prophecies.

Perhaps you have strong opinions about good, bad and benign deities and/or diets.

Perhaps you have strong opinions about false gods, false prophets and/or windfall profits and other substantial winnings.

Perhaps you are interested the theories concerning ego depletion and/or ego death.

Perhaps you are wondering why more is not done by governments to help people overcome substance dependence and other barriers to autonomy, bodily integrity, freedom, self-ownership, financial independence and self-determination.

What is your acquaintance with self-actualisation?

How carefully do you distinguish between good and bad governments

What do you know about the concept of akrasia?

What do you know about corrupt practices?

What do you know about the concepts of divine light and divine presence?

What do you know about the concept of demonic darkness and demonic presence?

What do you know about opium, laudanum, morphine, heroin, opioid withdrawal and opioid use disorder?

What do you know about harassment and bullying?

What do you know about the illegal drug trade, organised crime and money laundering?

What do you know about the fossil fuels lobby?

What do you know about various forms of harm reduction?

What do you know about alcohol consumption in various parts of the world?

What do you know about tobacco consumption in various parts of the world?

What do you know about carbon dioxide emissions in various parts of the world?

Perhaps you have been attempting various forms of divination to predict the outcome of COP26.

If so, how does your prediction compare with that of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee?

You may be aware that international negotiations often fail when conflicts of interest are present.  The same tends to happen in national and local negotiations.

While the devil is in the details, the divine is expressed through good faith.

Where have you found a devil and detailed its influence, how have you defined it?

What is your acquaintance with Erebus?

What do you know about caricatures and satire?

What do you know about reverence and passion?

What have you discovered about quality investments as enchantments?
