Necessary Women

There have long been far more necessary women in the world than necessary men. 

Whether with a mop or a broom, a necessary woman knows how and when to clean a room.

Hygiene is very important to necessary women.  They do not tolerate the dangerous antics of silly pageboys or the laziness of other ill-mannered nuisances.

Necessary women must always be treated with dignity, as must necessary men.

But how do you tell whether anyone is necessary towards the achievement of a particularly important goal?

What is your acquaintance with Bridget Holmes?

What is your acquaintance with the science of hygiene

What do you know about the history of housekeeping and housekeepers in various parts of the world?

What is your acquaintance with domestic workers, whether as employees or relatives or as persons associated with another type of relationship?

What is your acquaintance with the meaning of 'household' at various times in history, in various cultures? 

What is your acquaintance with housework?

What is your acquaintance with Hogarth's Servants?

What is your acquaintance with the paintings of Jean Siméon Chardin?

How do you usually reflect upon the meaning, purpose, usefulness and necessity of various jobs, tasks, chores, vocations and professions?

How do you usually reflect upon the meaning, purpose, usefulness and necessity of various types of people?

How do you prefer to occupy your time, and why?

How have you most recently been reflecting upon the occupancy of buildings and social roles?

What is your acquaintance with the maintenance of accounts and the keeping of keys?

How have you been thinking about role confusion, particularly relating to claims about gender roles and gender-related, ethnicity-related and family-related abilities and inabilities? 

Which roles, if any, have you apparently inherited, and why, and who says so?

Accounting is meant to identify whether surpluses or deficits exist.

The existence of a surplus is associated with the accumulation of wealth.  It is also associated with the possibility of trading the surplus or distributing it charitably.

The existence of a deficit is associated with impoverishment.

To say that poverty is wealth and/or wealth is poverty is either benignly deluded or dangerously evil. 

Either needs are met or they are not.  If needs are not met, people suffer.  Indeed, in every species, if the needs associated with sustaining life and health are not met, life itself is diminished and may possibly even end.

What is necessary if not truth?



Learning the truth re-enchants the world in enlightened ways.

What is your acquaintance with vegetable markets, vegetable growing and preparing vegetables for meals?

How do you assess skills and the meaning of ownership?

With what and whom do you compare a Mistress and Maid?

How do you prefer to assess and compare events in history?

Some people spin fibres to make yarn.

Some people spin a yarn by distorting interpretations of events.

What do you know about spinning of one sort or another?

What do you know about cleanliness, cooking and sewing?

How do you attempt to prevent pollution and other wastefulness and harmfulness?



How do you distinguish between rituals, habits and routines in relation to the unjust accumulation of wealth and/or the unjust perpetuation of poverty?

How do you know when rituals are associated with obsessions and/or compulsions rather than reasonableness?

All rituals are associated with coping and/or conformity, whether associated with reasonableness or not.

How do you know when someone is overworked and/or being coerced?

How do you tell the difference between the voluntary simplicity of intelligent frugality and the forced poverty associated with being  underpaid and/or otherwise inadequately paid and/or otherwise lacking a necessary income?

Wonderful witches practice the voluntary simplicity of intelligent frugality.

What do you do?

How do you tell when someone is apathetically idle or simple exhausted or likely to be unwell or merely sleeping off the effects of hedonistic overindulgence?

How do you tell when someone genuinely believes an activity is associated with a deity or demon rather than merely the effects of nature and/or human activity? 

There is nothing supernatural about good and evil.  The human mind, including the imagination, is entirely associated with the laws of science, including the laws of science not yet fully understood by scientists.

What, if anything, exists above nature, and who says so, and where is the proof?

How do you identify delusions, and who helps you to do so?

Who is attempting to encourage people to have delusional beliefs, and why are they doing so?

How do you help to counteract those beliefs and hold the abusers to account?

What have you been learning through the history of wars and massacres and invasions?

What do you know about mercenaries?

What do you know about conscripts?

What do you know about the history of armed forces?

What do you know about cycles of violence, the desire for revenge, the prevalence of mobbing, and the motivations of greed and grievance in relation to aggression?

If you are often without sufficient funds to meet your costs, why is that the case?

Who employs necessary people and how do they afford to do so?

Who employs unnecessary people and how do they afford to do so, and why?

How have you made comparisons between the European wars of religion of quite recent centuries and the simultaneous persecution of skilled women?

What is your acquaintance with the 17th century

From century to century, human nature does not change.

Only human culture changes.

Necessary women, and necessary people more generally, help to moderate excesses, especially cruel ones.  Such people often have opponents, particularly extravagant or otherwise abusive ones. 

Yet who, if anyone, has the legitimate power to prevent rioting, lynching and other atrocities?

Who deserves the trust of the public and who does not?

Trustworthy persons tell the truth.  Even so, they may be required to express a little artistic licence in order to protect themselves from the people who do not want the truth to be known.

Perhaps you are familiar with Dutch Golden Age painting.

You may, for example, be familiar with the works of Nicolaes Maes, Judith Leyster, Frans Hals, Pieter Claesz and Johannes Vermeer.

Perhaps you associate domesticity with peacefulness, or not as the case may be.

Perhaps you only find peace by escaping from domesticity.

Perhaps your views of domesticity have been shaped by the cult of domesticity.

Who needs a cook, a majordomo, a valet, a butler, a lady's maid, or even a tutor in philosophy, religion and/or art?

How have you contributed to the increase of knowledge?

How have you contributed to the increase of true peace? 

Necessary women never gossip.  They have much better things to do with their time, overcoming tyranny and other forms of oppression.

How can The Lacemaker help you to address oppression?

Who is perceived as a lady, and who is not?

How do you compare witch trials in the Netherlands with witch trials in the Spanish Netherlands?

The Lacemaker was painted shortly before the Disaster Year.

How do you compare quiet moments of textile crafts with disastrous situations?

What do you know about the werewolf witch trials

What do you know about conspiracy theories associated with European witchcraft?

How do you find light beyond political darkness?

How do you find light beyond religion-based cruelty?

How do you find light beyond economic greed?


The powerful do not want to give up their wealth.  They may accumulate much of it to place in museums, yet why was the wealth accumulated in the first place?

Why would anyone with the ability to employ a servant want to consume absinthe or any other intoxicating substance?

Why would anyone inheriting a large amount of money spend it on art?

How do you interpret The Maidservant by Camille Pissarro.How do you interpret its current location?

How do you interpret your current location, physically, socially and spiritually?

What has quietness taught you about necessity?

When is quietness not a good idea, in your view?

Perhaps you prefer to make a noise through poetry, like John Milton.

Perhaps you have a quiet way of addressing atrocities and seeking to prevent further ones.

Perhaps you do so through painting, like Ford Madox Brown.

But what is necessary about poetry and painting?

What is necessary about making comparisons?

How, for example, do you compare the Batavi and the Waldensians?

How do you compare the Valais witch trials of 1428-1436 with the Mérindol massacre of 1545 and the Savoyard–Waldensian Wars of 1655-1690?

Have you ever been persecuted, demonised, or otherwise harassed, bullied or treated wrongly?

Have you attempted to prevent or stop aggression, violence and cruelty?

Do you know much about the causes of victimisation, particularly in relation to violence against women, children and gentle men?

Necessary women, and other necessary people, help to regulate interpersonal relations peacefully and healthily.  They maintain order and discipline by gentle example and appropriately enlightened uses of knowledge.

Yet reasonableness has never been a defence against a charge of heresy, or any other unjust laws.  Only the unreasonable accuse gentle people of wrongdoing.

Yet every good person is likely to be regarded as a heretic by someone else.

And any belief system supporting any sort of aggression is evil.

Wonderful witches are not aggressive.  They intend no harm to anyone.  In fact, they want to prevent all forms of harm.  They want to share the truth.

How do you define harmlessness and harmfulness?

And how do you necessarily respond to threats?
