Learning the Truth about Witches

Here we go again.  More interpretations of witches and more pictures claiming to be of witches. 

Claims about witches are still sometimes in the news in Australia.

Men, in particular, have particularly vocal views about women they claim to be witches.  Yet they usually do not even know the difference between an ordinary woman and a source of evil.  

They may possibly find that source in their own egos, which is often situated in their underpants rather than in their brains.

The world has not changed much.

And magicians do not run countries, and nor do real witches.

Lunatics often do.  Opinionated men, and opinionated women, do.

To be opinionated is to be guided by the ego, not the soul or the conscience or empathy.


There is much to interpret.

How do you try to find the truth?

Why have religious organisations, and political ones, so often attracted crazy, evil followers?

How often have the brave people who have attempted to prevent evil been killed by the cruel?

Have you ever spent much time studying early modern witch trials?

Do you know much about the fictional association between witches and wardrobes?

Do you know much about the evil associated with government cabinets?

Intellectual witches are believed to wear blue stockings.

In fact, all real witches are intellectuals.  They respect scientific facts.  They respect good reasoning and good evidence.  They respect courtesy and well-informed expressions of kindness.  They respect integrity and thoughtful planning.

And that is why they are feared.

While there has long been a perception of dignity in his manner when a man experiences otium, there has often been odium when a woman has wished to do likewise.

How do you tell the difference between arrogant claims of ability and true ability?

What do you know about noble metals and noble souls?

How do you tell the difference between egocentric claims of leadership, arrogant claims of nobility and the quiet expression of true nobility of purpose and soul?
