Addressing Grandiosity

Grandiosity is always filthy, even when hardworking cleaning contractors are employed below cost to maintain its superficial sparkle.

Real witches despise grandiosity.

As in past centuries, excessively wealthy persons in the 21st century are rarely adequately well-informed and/or kind. 
That is why official virtual tours in and around the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, when offered to exceedingly wealthy persons on a per person basis, are likely to be offered for no less than $10,000,000.00 per hour or part thereof.
How much would you value a virtual tour of the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter at present, and why?
How wealthy or otherwise do you regard yourself to be at present, and why?
Perhaps you do not regard yourself as a member of the filthy rich, even if you are unpleasantly wasteful and extraordinarily rude to the hardworking poor.
In the 21st century, as in past centuries, famous persons, and would-be-famous persons, and would-be-rich persons, are usually only willing to behave kindly when seeking more money and/or more fame through their public and/or private interactions. 
Overly ambitious individuals, and overly grandiose ones, tend to be exceptionally ill-informed, regardless of their wealth and/or fame and/or infamy.

Virtual tours for selfish persons within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter are only available if the prospective participants are willing to admit they are not rich enough to afford the highly exclusive tours for the excessively wealthy.
Perhaps you associate the Adelaidezone with investing in a sense of belonging, regardless of your current fame or fortune or lack of either.

Perhaps you associate your own artistic practices with a feeling of belonging and/or a feeling of being marginalised.

Perhaps you usually associate grimoires with grandiosity.
Have you acknowledged that humanity, all over the world, is in a crisis even more frightening than that of Europe and central Asia in the 14th century
There are far too many extravagances still happening in the world, especially climatologically. 

What do you know about superstitions and other expressions of poor thinking and bad taste?
In any location in the 21st century, whether online or in the physical world, there are likely to be networks of influence.

And there is much interaction within and between those networks, for various reasons, and with various consequences.

How are you attempting to prevent predatory individuals, selfish groups and greed-related organisations, including domineering political parties, from causing more harm in the world?

Genuine philanthropists use their own private resources for the greater good.

Non-corrupt governments use public resources for the greater good.

What do you use for the greater good, and how do you know you are serving the greater good by doing so?

The immature are excited by slapstick, titillation and acrobatics.
What excites you, and how, and why?
Perhaps you are excited by the exploration of temporary and/or permanent relationships, whether with people or places or events.
Perhaps you are unaware that the only relatively permanent relationships in the lives of each person are not with other people, or other animals, as mortal individuals.

Relative permanence is associated with experiences of compatible community living, across generations, and possibly even across centuries and continents.

Across the centuries, across various continents, there have been many indirect wars as well as direct ones, of course.

Perhaps you have been the victim of a proxy war of one sort or another.

Aggression is the enemy of relative permanence, whether it is perpetrated by relatives, colleagues or other persons.

Perhaps you prefer indulging in expensive hobbies rather than the improvement of your leadership. 

You have a moral duty to prevent all forms of aggression.
How, then, do you define an activity as aggressive?
Perhaps you are unaware that grandiosity is a form of aggression. 
Enthusiasts with expensive hobbies do not live simply.  They have often had over-indulged childhoods and/or they have selfishly acquired the wealth with which to indulge themselves grandiosely.

Perhaps your self-indulgent hobbies including meddling in other people's lives in ignorant and/or aggressive ways.
Of course, in a consumerist society and mass market economy, many items available for purchase are intended by their greedy manufacturers, and by greedy retailers, and possibly even by unjust taxation systems, to be discarded as waste, regardless of the damage arising through those wasteful practices.
Wastefulness is always an expression of unkindness.
Pollution is a form of aggression. 

What do you know about the genuine kindness industry and the improvements it requires?

Perhaps you only regard the needs of people as important if you interact with those individual quite often on a personal level.

How do you attempt to inform the world about the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence?
Are you sure you are capable of doing so without intruding upon privacy?
How do you attempt to lead by example, and for what reasons? 

People with access to money, freedom and support do not usually understand the experiences of people who have not had access to money, freedom and support. 

Most governments, wherever they are located, have either been usurped by selfish private interests or they have always been associated with corrupt actions and cruel inaction.

Only genuine philanthropy can thwart corruption.

How do you know your philanthropy is genuine?

Perhaps you do not regard yourself as a philanthropist at all.

Perhaps you are unable to locate the justifiable boundaries of reasonableness, including those relating to civility, privacy and private property.
The assessment of societal evidence can usually only reveal patterns of persuasion, not patterns of abuse and other problems.

Acting reasonably well upon the knowledge acquired through evidence is another matter entirely.

Far too many people assess importance only in terms of money and their own beliefs, not in terms of mental health, or even physical health.
Many people who regard themselves as caring are actually attention-seekers, not competent providers of genuinely useful assistance.
How do you assess your investments in terms of providing assistance? 
Some people are authentically horrible.  They are unworthy of any investment.
How do you know you are not authentically horrible?
When have you participated in rivalries, and why?
When have you participated in other competitiveness, and why?
Perhaps you often behave horribly by pretending to be someone other than yourself.
Some people pretend to be good.  They are really horrible people in disguise.
As a consequence of their selfish deceptions, they are even more unworthy of investments than the people who consistently behave genuinely unpleasantly. 

Perhaps you have a tendency to pretend you are a better person than is actually the case.

Perhaps you display that pretension through grandiose means, even in the form of occasional generosity.

Some people are potentially good but they spend too much time emulating the authentically horrible.  They are obviously unworthy of investments.

Perhaps you emulate the horrible as a way to acquire money and/or fame, or something else excessively valued in the 21st century. 
The people who devote most of their attention to being perceived as good, however authentically, are not really worthy of the time of genuinely good people, or their other investments. 
People attempting to be perceived as good are superficial. They focus their attention mainly on how they are regarded by other people rather than on meeting the needs of other people.  

How do you distinguish between meeting needs and attempting to be impressive?
Political systems have not been designed to serve the public interest or to support the common good.  They have been designed to serve the vested interests involved in establishing those systems, in much the same way as legal systems and economic systems.
Pretending the system serves the public is the way the powerful and their sycophants have always duped the public into persuading young people to fight the system's wars instead of the system itself.

Even with extensive and expensive education systems, a substantial proportion of the public is easily duped. 
Most people do not know the difference between entertainment and propaganda. They have been indoctrinated into admiring the apparent winners of competitions instead of questioning the real purpose of the competition.
Some people are authentically good though they mistake themselves for the authentically horrible, the potentially good and/or the pretentious.
Such people go through life feeling unjustifiably guilty.  They need therapeutic guidance before they are worthy of investments.  Their self-obsessed anxiousness distracts from addressing the most urgent problems.
How do you know your needs are similar to those of many other people?
How do you identify, define and address special needs?
What could you possibly need in the future, and how do you know?
If you mainly provide care in accordance with the essence of true friendship, that experience is likely to be associated with mutual caring and considerable, mutual affection.
Yet your responses to strangers may be otherwise.
Where do you believe the keys to real security exist, if anywhere?
The words you are currently reading are private property.  They are currently presented to you from a community facility temporarily accessible to the ordinary public yet owned by a philanthropic entity. 
How, if at all, does your work relate to your investments?
How, if at all, do your investments relate to your philanthropy?
And how do you address grandiosity through your work, your investments and your philanthropy?
Perhaps you regard particular rituals, or ritualistic practices in general, as grandiose.

Perhaps your work is associated with Hippocrates and/or hypocrites.

Perhaps your work is associated with Galileo Galilei and/or the gullible.

Many recreational pursuits, whether indoors or outdoors, require access to money and time and equipment and transport and adequate family support, in much the same way as scientific pursuits and other research. 
What do you regard as recreational pursuits, and why?
What do you regard as philanthropic pursuits, and why?
What do you regard as political pursuits, and why?
What do you regard as economic pursuits, and why?

Perhaps you do not regard well-informed investing as a recreational pursuit or even as a research pursuit. 

Perhaps you frequently express extrinsic motivations.

All impulsiveness is an expression of inconsiderate ambition.
Perhaps you impulsively express grandiosity.
Have you ever developed a virtual or physical library for philanthropic purposes?
Are you adequately aware of the location of this grimoire?
How do libraries and museums usually contribute to your knowledge?
How do archives usually contribute to your knowledge?

How do laboratories usually contribute to your knowledge?

How do news services usually contribute to your knowledge?
The common good is associated with the public interest.

Quality communities are associated with the common good and the public interest. 

Yet visiting a community is not the same as being a member of a community.
Temporary groups have little in common with permanent communities.
Similarly, in social terms, living relatively permanently in a city is not the same as living relatively permanently in a smaller settlement.
How carefully do you usually assess communities and controversies?
What is your usual approach to ascertaining the relativity of enlightenment?

When in the presence of the Spirit of Enlightenment, most people feel too overawed to respond other than with immense deference, some of which is distastefully sycophantic and therefore regarded, by the Spirit of Enlightenment herself, as objectionable.
Perhaps you have not yet invoked the Spirit of Enlightenment appropriately.
What do you know about the influence of gold and other purported valuables in politics?

What do you know about the influence of fool's gold and fossil fuels in politics?

How do you distinguish between unethical authoritarianism and ethical authenticity?

How do you distinguish between reputable authorities, disreputable ones and fake authorities?
How do you compare the 14th century and the 21st century? 

Many highly intelligent people are unenlightened, as are many less intelligent ones.
Unenlightened persons inevitably fail to use their intellectual abilities towards identifying and solving the world's most urgent problems.
Instead, they devote too much attention towards playing games, solving trivial puzzles, enjoying fiction, making relatively useless craft items, producing silly videos, following ridiculous rituals, participating in grandiose ceremonies, indulging in extravagance and boosting their own egos. 

Unenlightened persons also have a tendency to concentrate wealth into their own hands, and to cause wars.
