The Enlightened Re-enchantment of the World - Part Three

Are you here seeking well-known information or something less well-known?

Are you here to listen, watch, observe carefully, think carefully, read carefully and learn actively or are you here mainly for entertainment purposes?

Have you caught up with all the initial information provided here?



If so, how successfully have the spells worked for you, and through you, and how do you know?

How do you tell the difference between one type of spell and another?

Are you aware that the Earth is still cursed as a consequence of your inadequate spell work?

How well have you been learning letters and spelling and orthography, and how do you know? 

How well have you been learning calligraphy and etymology and semiotics, and how do you know?

You may regard a drought as a dry spell.

You may regard seemingly incessant rain as a wet spell.

You may regard a series of distressing problems as a spell or spot of bad luck.

What do you know about pest control?

You may be aware that purported pest controllers have often become pests themselves.

Who decides what is a pest and what is not?

Who decides what is an anathema and what is not?

How do you know when illusions are mainly a form of entertainment?

How do you know when they are mainly a deliberate deception perpetrated for less benign reasons?

How do you attempt to protect yourself from malicious deception and other intentional harm?

You may be aware that the word spell originally meant news or to speak or to substitute, depending on the etymology and context.

The word gospel is associated with the words good and spell.

What do the words 'glory be to good' mean to you? 

What does the word 'glory' mean to you in relation to goodness and spells, news and stories, and various beliefs about the natural and supernatural?

What does the word 'curse' mean to you in relation to beneficence and malevolence?

What does the word 'blessing' mean to you in relation to benevolence and malevolence?

What do you know about the words cantrip, trickery and mischief?

How do you compare Civility Today with Trickery Today, and vice versa?

How do you tell the difference between a WFF and WTF, especially in relation to the WTO, the WWF, the WWT and DIWA?

Perhaps you are more interested in learning about a blessing of unicorns or a curse of black cats, or even a curse of any cats.

You may associate a spell with a formula, though not necessarily an infant one.

Perhaps you wish to know more about the curse of menstruation.

Perhaps you wish to know more about  cursing the men unworthy of blessings of any sort.

Perhaps you wish to know more about the resource curse.

A mathematical, chemical, logical or spiritual formula is likely to be presented in symbols you may or may not understand, either at all or sufficiently.

What do you believe you already know about formulations of various sorts?

What, for example, have you discovered about chemical formulas, either as a student or as a finder of truth, and how did you discover it?

What have you discovered about logical symbols?

What do you know about the meaning of glory in terms of ancient Greek culture, and other cultures, and various religions?

Many ancient ideas have reached the present through various means, whether accurately or otherwise. 

You may be aware of various meanings associated with blessings, and benedictions, invocations and evocations, vocations and avocations, and various forms of appropriation

You may or may not be aware of the Old English meanings of cræft, -cræft and drycræft.

You may or may not be aware of the Sanskrit concept of Rishi.

You may or may not know much about curse tablets, shunning, execration texts, fortune-telling, serendipity, and unicorn start-up companies.

You may or may not be aware of cultural beliefs about the fall of Adam, the curse and mark of Cain, the curse of Turan, fortune-telling fraud, book curses, and the nocebo effect.

You may or may not be aware of a wide variety of symbols and symbolic meanings.

How do you identify the boundaries of whatever can be understood scientifically and/or through the cultural interpretation of symbols?

The enlightened re-enchantment of the world does not include divination or any other superstition.  It does include the clear assessment of facts.  

Perhaps you are interested in cartomancy from the point of view of history, possibly through an awareness of symbolic anthropology.

You may know something about tarot playing cards, possibly including the Visconti-Sforza tarot deck

You may know something about conspiracy theories, various pseudosciences, psychic readings and tarot card readings.

Perhaps you are worried you may suffer as a consequence of a family curse.  Yet every family is 'cursed'.  All its members will die, in each generation.  No recitations of incantations, prayers or poems will undo that truth.

What do you know about canticles, psalms and scientific law?

How do you usually think about such words as fate, destiny, sorcery and magic?

What do you know about symbolic capital?

What do you know about the Other?

How do you distinguish between factual yet symbolic interactionism and formula fiction?

Perhaps you are living to a formula associated with your beliefs about the supernatural, the occult, your apparent destiny,  and the paranormal.

Perhaps you are seeking to find deeper meanings in and/or through colour symbolism, religious symbolism, and possibly even in/through the practice of ritual magic.

Perhaps you want to know more about symbolism as an artistic movement.

Perhaps you are seeking to know more about the preternatural and/or the pagan and/or false gods and/or allegories.

Perhaps you are seeking to learn more about demons, fairies and the exegesis of galdr.

Perhaps you are attempting to understand the spiritual warfare fought by Christian soldiers.

Perhaps you are wondering whether Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo is an effective utterance when seeing to improve transport options. 

Perhaps you are wondering whether Abracadabra improves anything.

Perhaps you are wondering whether hocus-pocus is ever useful when seeking to contribute to good in the world.

No superstition is good.  It is merely evidence of gullibility, and fear. 

And trickery only ever has any good in it when it is clearly presented as entertainment and as nothing else.

The human mind often wants to deceive itself, especially when the person possessing the mind is feeling stressed.

Have you ever felt your mind to be possessed by something or someone other than yourself?

Have you ever felt you body to be possessed by a disease?

Have you ever felt your time to be possessed by demands you would prefer not to meet?

Hocus-pocus is fake Latin.

Has anyone ever used foreign words, jargon or slang in a deliberate effort to bamboozle you with mumbo jumbo?

Have you ever been duped by psychobabble and/or guilt tripping?

Have you ever used an amulet or another sort of good luck charm in the hope that it would ward off harm?

Real witchcraft is not a form of entertainment or pseudoscience or occult practice.  It is a preventative healthcare practice, including mind care and societal care and planetary care.  

How do you try to prevent yourself from being deceived, especially by your own biases?

How do you try to avoid and prevent ethnocentrism whilst simultaneously seeking to uphold universal morality?

All claims of heresy are associated with ethnocentrism and other forms of hubris

Bullies coerce conformity through violence and threats of it.  They are evil.  That is why defying bullying is necessary as soon as it arises.  Once it becomes entrenched in a culture, it it much more difficult to eradicate it.

Bullying is far more dangerous than differing points of view.

Real witches never bully.  They much prefer to withdraw their assistance, from any situation, as soon as they experience harassment.  And they never give bullies second chances to repent.  Yet real witches never cause harm to anyone, either.

When people feel shame, they seek to hide the truth about themselves.  Yet all shame has social causes, and social consequences. 

And people are shamed by bullies for not conforming.   They are shamed for not understanding corporatese, legalese, technobabble and meaningless religious jargon.  They are also shamed for not complying with propaganda techniques.

The gullible are often as dangerous as the cruel.  They are likely to believe lies told convincingly.  They are likely to fail to question claims associated with consistently promoted opinions.  They are likely to fail to ask for evidence.  They are likely to fear the consequences of speaking the truth, questioning assumptions and holding bullies to account.  They have probably not been brought up to develop and express adequate critical thinking skills.  They have been shamed too much.  They think being good means complying with perceived expectations.

Most wars begin and perpetuate through deception.  The gullible are encouraged fight for money, wealth and glory through disinformation about the supernatural, the legitimate and the true.

Misunderstood health problems have long been associated with the supernatural rather than the natural, yet when influential persons have evil minds, how is harm to be prevented?

How do you know your own mind is not evil?

As you may already have realised, real witchcraft is an entirely philanthropic practice.

All real witches know that real philanthropy is necessary, not only of themselves but of everyone, with appropriate consistency and no hypocrisy.

What do you know to be necessary, and how do you know it?

How do you prefer to communicate with the non-gullible and the non-cruel?

How do you attempt to prevent deception and the gullibility, suffering and surreptitious theft associated with it?

How do you prefer to think about such concepts as evil, sin, wickedness and the absence of goodness, and why?

How do you prefer to act in relation to preventing harm?

How do you attempt to encourage reasonable, responsible and respectful repentance? 

What do you know about trust in relation to skepticism and pseudo-skepticism?

All read witches have highly advanced critical thinking skills.  That is why they frighten gullible people and cruel ones.  They encourage doubt wherever and whenever doubt is necessary.

Real witches, the wonderful ones, never knowingly deceive or otherwise act abusively.  They also prevent themselves from being deceived.  They never knowingly align themselves with charlatans.

Truly ethical practices often require the sensitive presentation of non-deceptive white lies as a prelude to revealing possibly shocking truths. The requirement of adequate sensitivity is also why fiction is often a necessary tool in the practice of ethics.

All real witches know when to comply and when to defy.  They know when to rely on available evidence and when to seek out more.  They never coerce.  And they deliberately avoid conversing with, or otherwise communicating with, the deceptive and the otherwise cruel.  They also deliberately avoid conversing with, or otherwise communicating with, the gullible.

That is why most people have never encountered real witches in real life.  Most people have only ever encountered fake witches and fictional ones and people who genuinely believe themselves to be witches without adequate evidence.  

There are even people who claim to be witches in order to make a living through their own understanding of witchcraft, however misguided that understanding is likely to be.

What is your acquaintance with altruism, including as an ethical doctrine

How do you compare the activities of a sensitive scientist, a romantic artist and an occultist?

How do you compare the activities of a fake witch with a real witch?

Perhaps you prefer hocus-pocus, dog Latin, Enochian languages, barbarous names and possibly even meaningless babblings claimed by the babblers to be as sacred as the Bible is in a wide range of belief systems.

The use of any sort of gobbledygook is abusive whenever it is not entirely satirical.

Real witches prefer to express satire as the most peaceful way to counteract evil in the world.  They do so to help people identify and overcome illusions and find true enlightenment.

Where have you looked for virtue, morality and truth

How have you identified the limits of scientism and sought truth elsewhere?

Real witches have often been persecuted for speaking the truth, including by fake witches.  They continue to be accused of being possessed by an evil spirit, and possibly even by those described as demons.

But if being possessed by the truth is described by accusers as evil, where does the real evil lie?

Persecuted people have often relied upon white lies, fiction and secrecy for their own safety, which is why real witches continue to require a secret language when communicating with each other.

Whether you are a real witch or not, have you ever experienced persecution?

Do you have much in common with Cassandra

Are you acquainted with the history of scrying and the causes of crying

Are you capable of telling when any particular activity is a hoax?

Are you capable of telling when any particular object is a fake?

Are you capable of telling when any particular document is a forgery?

All real witches act in good faith at all times.  They seek empirical evidence of all claims.  They actively debunk influential ideas whenever they know those ideas to be deceptive.  They never forgive deliberate deception.  They never forgive deliberate cruelty.  They never forgive hubris.  They never forgive the encouragement of delusions.

Real witches do use magic circles and magic squares and magic palindromes and magic numbers but not in the ways most people assume. 

Real witches do not use or acquire money in the ways most people assume, either.

No real witch would seek money or other traded items or services in exchange for demonstrating their art.  Indeed, real witchcraft does not work at all when such an exchange takes place or is sought.

No real witch would therefore be inclined to demonstrate the art of real witchcraft in order to seek money or support or admiration or anything else of a non-altruistic nature, in any way whatsoever.  

As you may already have realised, therefore, honest, virtuous intentions are the basis of effectiveness in real witchcraft.  A real witch always prefers to act subtly.

That is why no real witch would ever be overtly confrontational, even when holding charlatans and sleazeballs to account.

How, if at all, do you practice peace-based resistance to oppression and other injustices?

How, if at all, do you transform your instincts for assertiveness and righteous indignation into the enlightened re-enchantment of the world?

How, if at all, do you perform a preventative health service to support the enlightened re-enchantment of the world?

How do you express civility and compassion to support the enlightened re-enchantment of the world?

How do you respond to people who do not behave with civility and compassion?

Perhaps you think it best to ignore people who behave rudely, particularly if they are likely to lack insight into their own obnoxiousness.

Wonderful witches have considerable insight.  They have considerable knowledge.  They have considerable intelligence and considerable goodness and suitable assertiveness when perceiving injustices.  They have inner strength, arising from their reasonableness.  Yet they know they are perceived as threatening by those holding unjust power.  The unjust are demons.

The next part in this series will appear here in the early hours of 12 August 2021, local time.
